Learn more about TUTORWORKS Academy classes:
TUTORWORKS classes have evidence-based features as outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). TUTORWORKS students customarily make statistically significant gains on state mandated tests resulting in happy students and families.

TUTORWORKS FOUNDATIONS supports students with just the right combination of academics and fun to accelerate critical reading and math skills in a flexible learning environment. Students receive direct instruction in phonics and foundational math then use our engaging and adaptive software to practice their skills.
TUTORWORKS FOUNDATIONS is for 1st – 5th grade students and focuses on phonics-based literacy and foundational math concepts using our adaptive learning and kinesthetic pedagogical approaches. All students are assessed and given appropriate learning activities based on their assessment results. Full compliance data is collected automatically including attendance and achievement indicators.

Students are assigned by grade level and academic need. Staff to student ratio is 1:5.
Our instructors use carefully designed lessons and participate in professional development weekly.
During transitions between learning activities students engage in songs, word games (fun puns), & stretching.
Activities include Explode the Code Online, an award-winning program developed by the TUTORWORKS’ ed-tech team.
Are you a school or district? Contact us.
CODE WRITE DRAW is an innovative program designed to engage even the most reluctant learners. Our unique approach integrates computer science, creative writing, and the arts to engage students in a personal journey that fosters self-efficacy, and positions them for long-term success inside and outside the classroom.

Students code a video game, write a novella based on the Hero’s Journey, and learn how to draw.
Each participant receives at least 20 plus hours of STEAM-related instruction, plus optional workshop time with their peers. The program uses a "Hero's Journey" thematic framework and includes exposure to local industry professionals who share their own STEAM journeys. The program culminates with an exhibition where students present their completed work to industry expert judges and families.
This cohort-based learning program has been a favorite of participants. TUTORWORKS CODE WRITE DRAW INTERVENTION combines the highly engaging CODE WRITE DRAW program with extra class time focused on the computational thinking skills that anchor the coding class and the mechanics of the writing process (including sentence and paragraph structure, editing, and grammar).
Comparative mythology researcher Joseph Campbell popularized the concept of the “Hero’s Journey” as the common story across cultures of a hero who goes on an adventure, faces tests and trials, and returns home changed. The “Hero’s Journey” serves as the thematic framework for the CODE WRITE DRAW program modules and provides an integrated narrative student experience.
Are you a school or district? Contact us.
The TUTORWORKS MASTERY program is an on-site academic intervention program that can be customized to address students’ specific needs. It uses and integrates both TUTORWORKS certified staff and technology-based supports and interventions as part of the instructional program. This intensive program maximizes student gains by focusing on knowledge gaps, positive academic routines, and test-taking skills in a highly motivational learning environment. Schools may choose up to four modules.
Instructional Modules

TUTORWORKS PREP can be added to any MASTERY program to support students in navigating and mastering technology enhanced items on the Smarter Balanced Assessments and CAASPP Systems; and be common core ready! Ask us how to add TUTORWORKS PREP to your customized MASTERY program.
Foundational Reading Skills: Using the "See It, Hear It, Say It" instructional strategy, students use Explode The Code Online and Study Island to improve foundational literacy skills including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Our data-driven phonics instruction program features individualized instruction and reinforcement based on continuous assessment.
Foundational Mathematical Skills: Using strategies such as “practice with modeling," “incremental rehearsal," and fun math drills, students use the XtraMath and Study Island programs to promote fluency in computation and knowledge of math facts. Instruction focuses on basic math skills which are carefully sequenced to follow a logical order of concepts including number sense and operations, spatial relationships and shapes, comparing and measuring, and pattern knowledge.
California Common Core State Standards Mastery: Students receive small-group instruction on areas of need identified through our assessments or school choice. Students are then gradually released to complete lessons utilizing our computer-adaptive curricula. This component supports students in navigating and mastering technology enhanced items on the Smarter Balanced Assessments and CAASPP Systems by providing valuable experience in computer-adaptive tests and performance tasks.
Homework Support: Instruction combined with independent learning to ensure that students not only understand homework concepts, but also learn how to apply those skills to achieve a deeper level of learning.
The TUTORWORKS FUN program is an academic intervention program implemented by schools and districts themselves with the support of TUTORWORKS staff. TUTORWORKS FUN focuses on building students’ foundational reading and mathematical skills and is designed to be easily implemented by existing site staff. The program includes foundational literacy and math skills software, our TUTORWORKS signature program components, and professional development for site staff. TUTORWORKS FUN is an English Language and math facts accelerator program proven to boost the foundational reading and math skills of all students while promoting an interactive and motivational learning environment!

Foundational Reading Skills: Using the "See It, Hear It, Say It" instructional strategy, students use Explode The Code Online to improve foundational literacy skills including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Our data-driven phonics instruction program features individualized instruction and reinforcement based on continuous assessment.
Foundational Mathematical Skills: Using strategies such as “practice with modeling," “incremental rehearsal," and fun math drills, students use the XtraMath program to promote fluency in computation and knowledge of math facts. XtraMath uses adaptive timed activities to encourage students to answer the questions as quickly as possible combined with spaced repetition to efficiently develop recall. Instruction focuses on basic math skills which are carefully sequenced to follow a logical order of concepts including number sense and operations, spatial relationships and shapes, comparing and measuring, and pattern knowledge.
Elements: The TUTORWORKS Fun program includes our signature structural program components and professional development which are essential to creating a successful learning environment.
Research-based and Adaptive Online Curricula
We give teachers and students access to research-based and adaptive online curricula. The curricula includes foundational reading and mathematical content. Explode the Code Online, in particular, delivers instruction in real-time, addresses students’ individual academic needs and provides invisible on-going assessments. It is easy to adjust students' reading levels and monitor students' progress with its online reporting system.
Implementation Support
We provide implementation support. Our implementation team executes a professional program launch for your staff which ensures a hassle-free implementation and maximizes students' success. We provide ongoing administrative and technical support including the initial set-up and management of student accounts. We supply student name cards, rewards stickers, and a fun bag filled with prizes to motivate and encourage students to aim high and reach their goals!
Professional Development
We host educational workshops designed to provide professional development to your staff. The hands-on training delivers a comprehensive explanation of all the features and systems of both the online curriculum and our signature structural components. Although the TUTORWORKS Fun program is designed to be led by existing school staff, we can assign highly qualified and certified instructors to lead the programs at your school if there are no school staff available.

Mastery Learning is an instructional strategy, formally proposed by Benjamin S. Bloom, which maintains that students must achieve a level of mastery before moving forward to another subject area. If students do not achieve mastery, they are given additional support in learning the information, until mastery has been accomplished. TUTORWORKS programs follow the methods of Mastery Learning and believe that through alternative supports and adaptive learning, every student can achieve mastery!

We have thousands of parent testimonials we have collected over the years. Here is what our parents say about our programs.
TutorWorks has worked great for Kina. I have noticed her academic growth and her desire to want to learn more. She's excited to learn and is not afraid to ask for help when needed. Kina's reading has improved so much with tutoring.
TutorWorks was wonderful! My daughter's needs were assessed on the first day of services and the manager created a lesson plan for her with specific goals. The tutor assigned to my daughter was a good match because she allowed my daughter to work at her pace. The online workbooks were very helpful and easy to understand. My daughter improved a lot and looks forward to joining the program again in the Fall.
Daly City
My daughter liked it so much she never wanted to miss one day. I had to pick her up early and she begged me to let her stay.